The major purpose for undergraduate research is to provide an opportunity for qualified undergraduates to obtain firsthand, supervised research experiences in psychology. Students may assist professors and/or graduate students with a research project by helping to prepare the study, collect data, and/or enter data into computers.
Students can obtain pass/fail elective credit for their assistance if desired, or they can serve as a research assistant voluntarily. Whichever option is selected, obtaining research experience can be a valuable asset when applying for graduate school or jobs after graduation.
Please read each project description carefully, and contact the professor or graduate student listed for further information.
Date Posted: 12.16.24
Description: We study different facets of how human memory operates by carrying out computerized memory experiments that implement various types of tasks involving memory.
Duties: : Duties will primarily involve helping to run research participants through computerized memory experiments, assisting with stimulus preparation and task development, and attending regular lab meetings.
Minimum requirements: Minimum qualifications are a 3.0 GPA and a genuine interest in learning about the research that this lab is conducting
Research assistant positions open: 3
Contact Information: Dr. Anne Cleary --; Jose Francisco-Andres --
Application Instructions: Please fill out the application/Google form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Application Location:
Application Deadline: Open until positions filled
Date Posted: 3.3.2025
Description: In this project, we will review all measures of spirituality used in psychology research within the last ten years.
Duties: Most of your duties would involve reading articles and finding specific pieces of information within those articles.
Minimum requirements: There are no exact requirements, but this would be a good position for someone interested in spirituality research, psychometrics, qualitative data, or psychology literature.
Research assistant positions open: 1-2 open positions
Contact Information: Bailey Underill -
Additional Information: Please include (a) why you want to get research experience, (b) what interest you have in this project, and (c) what classes you've taken/skills you have developed that you think would make you a good fit for this position.
Application Instructions: Please email Bailey ( with the subject line "Spirituality Scales URA Application."
Application Deadline: Rolling deadline