The major purpose for undergraduate research is to provide an opportunity for qualified undergraduates to obtain firsthand, supervised research experiences in psychology. Students may assist professors and/or graduate students with a research project by helping to prepare the study, collect data, and/or enter data into computers.
Students can obtain pass/fail elective credit for their assistance if desired, or they can serve as a research assistant voluntarily. Whichever option is selected, obtaining research experience can be a valuable asset when applying for graduate school or jobs after graduation.
Please read each project description carefully, and contact the professor or graduate student listed for further information.
Date Posted: 12.16.24
Description: We study different facets of how human memory operates by carrying out computerized memory experiments that implement various types of tasks involving memory.
Duties: : Duties will primarily involve helping to run research participants through computerized memory experiments, assisting with stimulus preparation and task development, and attending regular lab meetings.
Minimum requirements: Minimum qualifications are a 3.0 GPA and a genuine interest in learning about the research that this lab is conducting
Research assistant positions open: 3
Contact Information: Dr. Anne Cleary --; Jose Francisco-Andres --
Application Instructions: Please fill out the application/Google form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Application Location:
Application Deadline: Open until positions filled
Date Posted: 8.13.24
Description: This project examines substance use (e.g., cannabis, psychedelics, alcohol, kratom, kava etc.), drug-related outcomes, and harm reduction strategies within naturalistic contexts. In particular, this study focuses on collecting data among attendees of concerts and music festivals in Colorado (particularly at electronic dance music [EDM] events). I am also looking for research assistants to help me collect data at local kava/kratom bars.
Duties: Duties would involve in-person data collection at concerts and music festivals in Colorado (primarily at Red Rocks Amphitheater). This involves driving or car-pooling to Red Rocks or other concert/festival locations and administering in-person surveys to attendees as they are tailgating or standing in line waiting to enter the event. One data collection period at Red Rocks lasts approximately 6-7 hours (including driving time), thus time commitment is 6-7 hours per week for data collection, plus a one-hour weekly lab meeting. On weeks when you are not collecting data, you may be involved in scientific writing, preparing presentations, creating surveys, and assisting in the acquisitions of harm reduction supplies (e.g., fentanyl test strips).
Minimum requirements: There are no minimum GPA or course requirements. I am looking for people who are hard-working, communicative, and reliable. To be a good fit for this position, some experience attending electronic dance music events OR going to kava/kratom bars is ideal. To do this work, you must be kind, non-judgmental, and some level of extroversion is helpful given that you will be approaching people to take surveys. People with lived or living experience of drug use and people holding historically underrepresented and/or marginalized identities are STRONGLY encouraged to apply.
Research assistant positions open: 4-6
Contact Information:
Additional Information: You may have the opportunity engage in professional development. The research is through a harm reduction lens, meaning we treat people who use drugs with respect. Community outreach is encouraged and expected.
Application Instructions: Submit an application at this link and SPECIFY that you are applying to work on the DISCO study with Cianna Piercey -
Application Deadline: There is no deadline. Applications accepted on a rolling basis until positions are filled.
Date Posted: 2.20.25
Description: Near infrared spectroscopy is a functional neuroimaging method that uses infrared light to measure the brains oxygenated blood concentrations in response to various task demands. Melanin levels in the skin and hair, as well as hair factors such as length, thickness and curliness, are potential challenges to obtaining high quality data. This project aims to quantify the effects, if any, of skin and hair qualities on NIR imaging effectiveness.
Duties: Assisting with informed consent, setting up, running and cleaning NIRS equipment, administration of surveys, and data analysis. Other duties as assigned.
Minimum requirements: 3.0 GPA, completion or concurrent enrollment in PSY 252.
Research assistant positions open: 4
Contact Information: Zoe Connor -
Web page: For more information, please see:
Application Instructions: Please send an email stating your interest in the position to Zoe Connor (
Application Deadline: Until filled