Deana Davalos

Cognitive Neuroscience PsychologyDeana faculty image
Office: 239 BHSCI
Phone: (970) 491-5548
Email: Deana.Davalos@colostate.edu
Web Page: http://www.davaloslab.org/

Education: Ph.D., Colorado State University, 2000
Area of Specialization: Neuropsychology, Electrophysiology, Clinical Neuroscience

Teaching Courses: General Psychology, Mind, Brain, and Behavior
Office Hours:
Monday- | Tuesday- | Wednesday- | Thursday- | Friday- | By Appointment- X


Davalos Laboratory: In our lab, we investigate temporal processing, aspects of cognitive aging, and cognitive processes in clinical populations. One line of research focuses on understanding the development of time processing abilities over the life span. Of particular interest is the relationship between one's ability to process time accurately and higher cognitive skills such as planning, sequencing, and executive functioning. We also study time processing in clinical populations. Our research involves behavioral testing, EEG, and neuropsychological testing and we maintain active collaborations with the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and the Center for Neurorehabilitiation Services.
Location: Behavioral Sciences Building