Michael Steger

Professor, Director of Center for Meaning and Purpose, Coordinator of Graduate Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology, Director of Training, Counseling Psychology
Applied Social and Health Psychology
Counseling PsychologyMichael faculty image
Office: 215 BHSCI
Phone: (970) 491-7324
Email: Michael.F.Steger@colostate.edu
Web Page: http://www.michaelfsteger.com/

Education: Ph.D., Counseling Psychology; Personality Psychology, University of Minnesota, 2005.
Area of Specialization: Meaning and purpose in life, Nature and wellbeing, Sustainability and ecological behaviors, Nature Connectedness, Meaningful work

Teaching Courses: Positive Psychology, Advanced Introduction to Positive Psychology (GCAPP), Psychopathology, Psychopathology (PhD program), Psychology of Calling and Meaningful Work (GCAPP)
Office Hours:
Monday- | Tuesday- | Wednesday- | Thursday- | Friday- | By Appointment- X


Laboratory for the Study of Meaning and Quality of Life:
Location: Clark C19