Keaton Fletcher

Assistant Professor
Industrial Organizational PsychologyKeaton faculty image
Office: 222 BHSCI
Phone: (970) 491-3187
Email: Keaton.Fletcher@colostate.edu
Web Page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Z38glpIAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

Education: PhD, University of South Florida, 2018; Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019
Area of Specialization: Industrial-organizational psychology, leadership/teams, occupational health psychology

Teaching Courses: Psychological Measurement and Testing (PSY 370), Psychology of Personality (PSY 325)
Office Hours:
Monday- | Tuesday- | Wednesday- | Thursday- | Friday- | By Appointment- X

Current Research: My research focuses on the interplay between work and health. Specifically, I view work through a lens of social stress, exploring questions like how do leaders' behaviors impact followers' health? how do group dynamics create stress that prohibits leadership emergence? I often translate this work into the healthcare domain. I also am shifting toward exploring the intersection between the biopsychosocial experience of work and the law. I am working to address question such as how do people react when their company breaks the law? How do laws that (fail to) protect workers impact their experiences?