Assistant Professor
Counseling Psychology
Masters in Addiction Counseling Program
Office: 344 BHSCI
Phone: (970) 491-5905
Education: Ph.D., University of South Dakota, 2018
Area of Specialization: Clinical Psychology with a specialization in substance use and co-occurring conditions across the lifespan.
Teaching Courses: PSY 613 Advanced Addiction Counseling
Office Hours:
Monday- | Tuesday- | Wednesday- | Thursday- | Friday- | By Appointment- X
Current Research: My program of research integrates cognitive and affective science with behavioral pharmacology to identify mechanisms of behavior change that underlie substance use vulnerability and factors affecting treatment success in youth. The express intent of this work is to develop interventions designed to target these mechanisms and improve addiction treatment outcomes. My aim is to conceptualize the individual as a dynamic system with multiple processes (e.g., cognition, emotion, behavior) that are quantifiable at multiple levels (e.g., within-persons, between-persons) in any given moment. To accomplish this, much of my work uses mobile technology, longitudinal designs, and advanced analytic techniques to examine how fine-grained fluctuations in state and trait level variables lead to systematic changes in risk and treatment response over time in the natural environment. By obtaining both within-person and between-person assessments of clinical phenomena, I hope to help lay the scientific groundwork for the formulation of targeted and personalized substance use interventions for a wide range of populations - some of whom are underserved and over-represented in treatment. Moreover, using such ecologically anchored clinical research, I aim to ensure findings from addictions research translate to treatment settings given the gaps in the addiction science to practice pipeline.
Advancing Research on Change Lab: Our team aims to bring together university faculty, community stakeholders, developers, and students at various levels of training interested in better understanding the science of addiction and recovery. We believe our team-based approach gives us a unique vantage point from which to develop new solutions and move the field forward. We disseminate our work through research publications, conference presentations, podcast episodes (, and other training opportunities. We are also dedicated to social justice, health equity, and the recruitment, retention, and career development of trainees from historically underrepresented backgrounds (e.g., ethno-racial minorities, individuals in recovery). If you are interested in getting involved, please reach out!