Assistant Professor
Counseling Psychology
Office: 338 BHSCI
Phone: (970) 491-3431
Education: Ph.D., Colorado State University, 2023
Area of Specialization: Adolescence, Mindfulness, and Trauma
Teaching Courses: PSY 465 Adolescent Psychology, PSY 792 Structural Equation Modeling
Office Hours:
Monday- | Tuesday- | Wednesday- | Thursday- | Friday- | By Appointment- X
Current Research: My research interests center on identifying effective ways of reducing disparities in mental health and health behaviors among adolescents exposed to trauma and significant adversities. My research also seeks to understand the extent to which contemplative practice interventions, such as mindfulness and yoga, reduce health disparities and clarify the explanatory mechanisms that render these interventions most effective. The goal of my program of research is to provide rigorous, ecologically valid tests of interventions such as mindfulness-based interventions in order to promote health equity and reduce disparities in mental health, health behaviors, and physical health.
Adolescent Health Equity and Development (AHEAD) Lab: We welcome students and scientists to the AHEAD lab who are interested in studying effective ways of reducing disparities in adolescent mental and physical health problems through a systemic lens. Much of our work focuses using innovative approaches like ecological momentary assessment and physiological measurements of stress to understand the benefits of mindfulness-based intervention and yoga for adolescents exposed to trauma and significant adversities.