Undergraduate Research Assistants Needed.

The major purpose for undergraduate research is to provide an opportunity for qualified undergraduates to obtain firsthand, supervised research experiences in psychology. Students may assist professors and/or graduate students with a research project by helping to prepare the study, collect data, and/or enter data into computers.

Students can obtain pass/fail elective credit for their assistance if desired, or they can serve as a research assistant voluntarily. Whichever option is selected, obtaining research experience can be a valuable asset when applying for graduate school or jobs after graduation.

Please read each project description carefully, and contact the professor or graduate student listed for further information.

Project: Spirituality Scales Review

Date Posted: 7.26.24
Description: I am working on a systematic review of spirituality scales used in psychological research within the last ten years. The goal is to examine how we assess spirituality, who the current measures of spirituality are normed upon, and whether the scales are consistent with the current definitions of spirituality within the field.
Duties: I need undergraduate research assistants to read articles and pull any spirituality scales used in them. I will train you on what to look for, how to find the articles, how to input information, etc. The expectation will be about 4 hr/wk on this project. The hourly expectation will increase depending on how many research credits you would like to register for.
Minimum requirements: I would prefer you to have completed at least PSY100 and PSY 250. I would love for you to have completed PSY 370, but that is optional. I will also give preference to students aiming to go to graduate school in psychology or a related field.
Research assistant positions open: 2
Contact Information: bailey.underill@colostate.edu
Additional Information: You do not need prior research experience to work on this project, but I would like you to be able to commit to it for at least two semesters.
Application Instructions: Email the contact with the subject line "URA Spirituality Scales Application." In that email, include your name, pronouns, expected graduation date, relevant coursework/experience, and why you are interested in psychology research or my project.
Application Deadline: 10/30/24

Project: Workstation and Performance Study at Graham Behavioral Medicine Lab (Fall 2024)

Date Posted: 7.22.24
Description: This study investigates the relationship between different types of traditional and non-traditional workstations and stress responses.
Duties: URAs will be trained to conduct experiment sessions following the research protocol, record deviations, complete data entry, and complete other experiment-related tasks upon request. URAs need to actively attend weekly research meetings to discuss relevant literature and give one presentation during the fall semester in the research meeting. URAs for this project need to commit one semester.
Minimum requirements: Applicants must be able to communicate effectively with peers, supervisors, and participants of all ages. Applicants must demonstrate a strong work ethic, attention to detail, punctuality, and basic computer skills. Applicants should be available to work at least 10 hours per week during the fall semester. Preference will be given to applicants who have successfully completed PSY250.
Research assistant positions open: 6-8
Contact Information: If you have any questions or want to learn more about this project, please contact Skylar Yu (skylar.yu@colostate.edu).
Additional Information: If you are a highly motivated student with a background or interest in health psychology, physical activity, mental health, or other related fields, and would like to learn more about this project, please apply through the link below.
Application Instructions: Please fill out the application form: https://forms.gle/cSpKyTN13fiy7svg9
Application Deadline: 8/18/2024

Project: High conflict child custody cases in family court

Date Posted: 7.18.24
Description: This is an archival research project involving coding of Canadian family court decisions. Each court decision involves families experiencing a particular form of family conflict: parental alienation. Multiple court decisions for each family will be examined closely to determine changes in behaviors and outcomes over time for family members based on judicial responses to the family conflict.
Duties: Research assistants (Ras) will work independently, but under close supervision with Dr. Harman. After thorough training on the coding materials, Ras will work with other coders to calibrate and achieve consensus in coding of court decisions. Students are expected to work 9 hours a week and submit work for review on a weekly basis. Coding involves careful reading of court materials, entering required data into fillable pdf forms, and keeping careful, thorough records of all work products.
Minimum requirements: Students must be psychology majors with an interest in forensic psychology or working with families experiencing high conflicts post-separation/divorce. Students need to have taken PSY250 or are currently enrolled in the course. Ideally (but not required), students have taken Forensic Psychology (PSY335) and Social Psychology (PSY315) are currently enrolled in one or both courses. Special preference will be given for students who have taken PSY317 (Social psychology laboratory). GPA of 3.4 or higher required.
Research assistant positions open: 6
Contact Information: jennifer.harman@colostate.edu
Additional Information: The focus of this research, parental alienation, is an emotionally difficult subject for many people, as it involves coercively controlling abuse and child psychologogical abuse. Some students struggle to participate due to its personal relevance.
Web page: Interested students should read the following paper before deciding whether this is a research project they would like to work on: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/bul0000175
Application Instructions: Send an email with brief statement of interest along with courses you have taken that are related/applicable. Students must register for 3 credits their first time working in the lab, which involves committing to working 9 hours a week.
Application Deadline: August 15, 2024

Project: Speaking in Work Teams

Date Posted: 1.2.2024
Description: Two ongoing projects that focus on understanding people's experiences with speaking in work teams need significant URA support. One is a lab-based study in which participants come into the lab, work together as a team while being video recorded and connected to physchophysiological recording equipment. Another is a field-based study in which working adults will complete an online intake meeting, then complete surveys for 3x per day for 10 work days. Afterwards, they will have the opportunity to have a one on one coaching session based on their data.
Duties: URAs will set up the lab study, run participants through it, and clean it up afterwards. This requires properly connecting people to psychophysiological recording equipment (ECG, respiration monitor, galvanic skin response monitor), reading a detailed script and following instructions perfectly, and answering any participant questions. URAs will also be asked to code video data as well as heart rate data. For the field study, URAs will be responsible for the intake meetings and setting up the survey schedules. URAs will receive training on any required duties.
Minimum requirements: Minimum GPA: 3.7. Course completed (or co-enrolled): PSY 250.
Research assistant positions open: 10
Contact Information: Email your resume along with answers to the questions below (in application instructions) to Dr. Keaton Fletcher (keaton.fletcher@colostate.edu).
Additional Information: Depending on performance in the first semester, a paid managerial position will be available to those interested. Opportunities to present at conferences will also be available for those interested.
Application Instructions: 1. What skills could you bring to this position and how did you develop them? 2. What are your career goals? 3. Are you able to commit to 10 hours/week for the next year?
Application Deadline: Initial deadline 1/20, late applications will be considered if there are still spaces.

Project: Human Memory Processes

Date Posted: 1.2.2024
Description: We study different facets of how human operates by carrying out computerized memory experiments that implement various types of tasks involving memory. Among the facets of memory that we study are: Recall processes, feelings of familiarity, deja vu, tip-of-the-tongue experiences, and how memory relates to attention.
Duties: : Duties will primarily involve helping to run research participants through computerized memory experiments, assisting with stimulus preparation and task development, and attending regular lab meetings.
Minimum requirements: Minimum qualifications are a 3.0 GPA and a genuine interest in learning about the research that this lab is conducting
Research assistant positions open: 3
Contact Information: Please contact Dr. Anne Cleary at Anne.Cleary@colostate.edu and/or Brooke Carlaw at Brooke.Carlaw@colostate.edu
Application Instructions: Email or call the contact for this project.
Application Deadline: Open until positions filled

Project: Pollution Exposure and Cognitive Aging

Date Posted: 3.22.24
Description: The Cognition and Health Analytics lab in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies is looking for an undergraduate research assistant to help with data coding for a study on the effects of pollution exposure on cognition and mental health in adults. The project is a multi-university, multi-country collaboration (CSU, U. Manchester, and U. Oxford) and an opportunity to connect with and learn from prominent researchers studying cognition and healthy longevity. Students who are interested in gaining experience working with big data are especially encouraged to apply, although all are welcome.
Duties: Cross-reference postal codes and update from pdfs to an Excel spreadsheet. There are several thousand entries, which will be split into batches of 500/per RA. Once that work is completed, there will be opportunities to assist with "data sleuthing" (gathering information about historical pollution metrics available in UK cities so that we can begin to build participant pollution-exposure profiles).
Minimum requirements: Dependable, detail-oriented students with an interest in environmental psychology and healthy aging. 1-semester commitment (for data entry), 2-semester commitment for data entry plus research.
Research assistant positions open: 3
Contact Information: Dr. Stephen Aichele (A-shell): stephen.aichele@colostate.edu
Application Instructions: Email the contact for this project. Include your name, major, year, and the amount of time per week you are able to commit. Please also include a brief note about your interest in this project.
Application Deadline: Rolling

Project: Behavioral Health and Workforce Development Research and Evaluation Projects

Date Posted: 4.2.24
Description: We are searching for a self-motivated undergraduate student who possesses a strong work ethic and is interested in gaining experience as a research assistant with Clover Educational Consulting Group. This non-profit organization focuses on enhancing mental health and wellness in the community through various applied research projects in Colorado and throughout the country. The research projects primarily aim at suicide and substance abuse prevention, increasing knowledge of mental health, and expanding the psychology workforce. This position is ideal for students who want to understand more about community behavioral health initiatives and how they can apply the knowledge gained in school to real-life community settings.
Duties: 1. Recruiting and communicating effectively with participants about study procedures and informed consent 2. Collecting data from participants via remote protocols 3. Entering and managing data from electronic surveys and other sources (e.g., logs, records) 4. Preparing literature reviews, reports, and development of research questions. 5. Creating and maintaining reporting dashboards. 6. Assisting with basic descriptive analyses.
Minimum requirements: Applicants must be currently registered as a full-time undergraduate student at Colorado State University with a 3.0 GPA or above. Applicants must demonstrate a strong work ethic, attention to detail, and basic Microsoft Office skills. Preference will be given to applicants who have successfully completed PSY 250.
Research assistant positions open: 2
Contact Information: Juliana.Rosa@clovered.org (Clovers Research and Evaluation Director)
Additional Information: This position is mainly remote but can include monthly in-person check-ins.
Application Instructions: Email Juliana Rosa (email above). Please include your name, major, year, and the amount of time per week you are able to commit to the position. Please also include a brief note about why you are interested in this position.
Application Deadline: Rolling

Project: FRACTAL Study

Date Posted: 6.10.24
Description: We are looking for 1-2 undergraduate research assistants (RA) to help with an ongoing research study (FRACTAL) that explores the impact that cannabis has on behavioral phenotypes related to alcohol use disorder (alcohol consumption, craving, intoxication) as well as cognitive performance. This work involves acute administration of flower cannabis; therefore, we use a Mobile Pharmacology Lab (AKA 'CannaVan') which we drive to participant's homes to complete study sessions in. We are prioritizing students that have availability on Fridays to run van sessions with a graduate student researcher (4-6 hours).
Duties: Attending training sessions. Conduct study sessions in our lab space in Clark as well as inside the van. Following the study protocol. Obtaining participants consent. Maintaining files. Recording study sessions. Reporting deviations from the protocol. Ensuring accuracy and completeness of each study session. Attend a weekly meeting to discuss study progress and read relevant literature.
Minimum requirements: We are looking for highly motivated students with a background or interest in psychology, public health, or other related fields. Applicants with a strong interest in substance use research and research application are preferred. Successful applicants will be reliable, collaborative, have strong communication skills, and show great attention to detail.
Research assistant positions open: 1-2 (may be waitlisted)
Contact Information: If you are interested in furthering the field of cannabis and alcohol research, and would like to learn more about this project, please contact Katelyn Weldon at weldon.katelyn@gmail.com with the subject line 'FRACTAL Applicant Interest'.
Application Instructions: Please contact lease contact Katelyn Weldon at weldon.katelyn@gmail.com with the subject line 'FRACTAL Applicant Interest'. Applicant Interest'.
Application Deadline: Rolling

Project: Health, Emotion, and Aging Research Team (HEART) Research Projects

Date Posted: 1.2.24
Description: We are seeking a self-motivated undergraduate student with strong work ethic interested in gaining experience as a research assistant with the Health, Emotion, and Aging Research Team (HEART Lab) in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Colorado State University. The HEART conducts research on how people manage their emotions during stressful situations, and how successful coping may promote healthy physical and mental development across adulthood. This position is well-suited for students interested in learning more about stress, emotions, physical/mental health, and/or adult development and aging.
Duties: 1. Recruiting and communicating effectively with participants about study procedures and informed consent 2. Collecting data from participants via remote and in-person protocols 3. Entering and managing data from electronic surveys; cognitive and health tests; and physical activity trackers 4. Preparing literature reviews, reports, and development of research questions. Assisting with Institutional Review Board (IRB) amendments to study protocols 5. Processing compensation for participants and debriefing participants about study aims 6. Assisting with basic descriptive analyses of the data
Minimum requirements: Applicants must be currently registered as a full-time undergraduate student at Colorado State University with a 3.0 GPA or above. The candidate must be available for 9 hours per week for the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semesters.
Research assistant positions open: 2
Contact Information: Gloria Luong (Gloria.Luong@colostate.edu)
Additional Information: This research assistant position is expected to start ASAP in Fall 2023
Application Instructions: To apply, please visit: https://www.chhs.colostate.edu/hdfs/research/research-labs/health-emotion-and-aging-research-team/get-involved/ to learn more and email HEART@colostate.edu to request an application
Application Deadline: Rolling through Friday, September 22, 2023 or until positions are filled